在Macro 宏觀經濟的分析,不同topic之間的關係更緊密,大部分都係分析現象同政策點影響整個經濟體,或如何達致某些政策目標。
Patrick/2013 mock/31
Due to a decrease in confidence in US stock market, investors turned to hold less risky assets. Which of the following is correct?
A. The Federal Reserve (Central Bank of US) can use an open market sale of government bonds to stabilize the interest rate.
B. The Federal Reserve (Central Bank of US) can reduce the required reserve ratio to stabilize the real output of the economy.
C. The US government can raise income tax to offset the effect of the above change on trade balance.
D. The US government can cut transfer payments to offset the effect of the above change on real output of the economy.
A. 聯儲局(美國的中央銀行)可以在公開市場出售政府債劵,以穩定利率。
B. 聯儲局(美國的中央銀行)可以調低法定儲備比率,以穩定經濟的實質產出。
C. 美國政府可以增加入息稅,以抵銷上述改變對貿易平衡的影響。
D. 美國政府可以削減轉移支付,以抵銷上述改變對經濟實質產出的影響。
對於這題,上過我Summer Course ASAD同Money & Banking貨幣與銀行的同學仔,應該得心應手。
自己限時40秒,comment 估下ans係咩啦~唔該晒~
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