2014年8月26日 星期二

【學生提問】 Qd of Money貨幣需求量vs Demand for Money 貨幣需求

問:有些書唔分 demand for money 同 quantity of money demanded,問影響demand for money 既因素 , nominal interest rate 係岩;但係有些書會分清楚 , nominal interest rate 唔 affects demand for money 而係 quantity of money demanded , 咁我想問邊個先岩 , mc唔知點揀先岩?

問”which of the following would increase demand for money”

就唔洗分demand for money 同 quantity of money demanded

但如果係問”which of the following would lead to a rightward shift in demand for money”、或者用圖問

就要分清楚demand for money 同 quantity of money demanded

