2014年5月3日 星期六

[考試技巧拆題] Opportunity Cost 機會成本

昨晚收到S6學生inbox提問,是有關今年2014 DSE ECON Paper 2的一題機會成本。

DSE 2014/2/1

問:以下的情況下,某某去政府做AO政務主任的OC 機會成本係咪necessarily remain unchanged。
(a) 政府調低AO政務主任入職人工。(2 marks)
(b) 政府向所有正在找工作的大學畢業生提供employment benefit失業援助金。(3 marks)

Part (a) 是源自CE 2006/1/2a;Part (b)的問法是源自CE 2001/1/10d。

HKCEE 2006/1/2a
Steven is choosing between studying law or medicine at a university to pave way for his future career. Explain whether his cost of choosing to study law at a university would be affected if
(a) the expected salary of jobs in the legal services sector falls. (2 marks)

(a) 因為係change in value of chosen option選擇選項(做AO)的價值改變(並非做會計trainee的價值改變),好明顯唔會影響機會成本啦。

HKCEE 2001/1/10d
Paul’s order of preference of using his money is shown below:
First preference : purchase of gold coins
Second preference : savings in banks
Third preference : investment in stocks
(d) Suppose an interest tax is imposed on bank deposits. Explain whether Paul’s opportunity cost of purchasing gold coins would change. (4 marks)

HKCEE 2001/1/10d係highest value option value下降(要假設是否跌到低於3rd option的value),DSE 2014/2/1b是3rd option的value上升(要假設是否升到高於highest value option的value),原理是一樣的。
增加unemployment benefit失業援助金會增加繼續搵工的Value (繼續失業)
若繼續搵工的Value > 做會計的Value,繼續搵工就會變左highest-valued option forgone最高價值放棄選項
Cost of AO升


